WHAT architecture - London

Research via Teaching

research applied to design
Scale sqm
ClientBartlett, University College London UK. Technical University of Delft, NL. Saint Lucas Hogeschool voor Architectuur, Brussels, BE. American University of Beirut
Design Year1998

WHAT_architecture utilises teaching in universities as design research and the projects within the office are often aligned with academic programmes. For example, the Spatial Mobility Unit at the TUD was aligned to in-house office projects such as highway housing and interchange projects. By combining research with the office activities design innovation can inform client projects.


Anthony Hoete was Unit 7 Master and Technical Tutor at the Bartlett School of Architecture from 1998 to 2001 ; Ass. Professor at the Technical University of Delft ; Guest Professor at Sint Lucas and Visiting Professor at the AUB in Beirut.

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